Monday, April 05, 2010

Beginning of April already?

This will be a summary post of my year so far.....
First, a quarterly update on my resolution to stop food waste. Well, it's gone pretty well, to be honest. Shortly after I made that resolution, I started a diet in earnest. It's helped because I have to make a meal plan so I know how much I can eat, so I buy only what's on the plan, and also there has been WAY less eating out. I don't want to be one of those bloggers who spend all their time regaling you with successes at the scale, or conversely with depressed fits of crying when things don't go well. But the diet has contributed to the success of my resolution, so I thought it worth mentioning. You'll probably get a Hurrah! out of me every once in a while as I reach a milestone, but I promise that's it.
I still run into problems with waste mainly due to the portions of food. Before, this didn't bother me, but now we are eating way less, so a store size portion of food is too big for my planned meal. For instance, I plan for one meal involving a plain chicken breast. Now, when you buy a chicken breast at the store, each one is about 8-9 ounces. In the past, I would cook two breasts for the two of us, which is one each. But my diet tells me a serving of chicken breast is only supposed to be only 4 ounces, so now I take one chicken breast and cut it in half, and serve one half to each of us. Where's the problem, you ask?
So glad you asked...the problem is the chicken breasts don't come in a package all by themselves. They come packaged in groups of 3 at the minimum, and sometimes more. If I want to use it all, 3 of the 5 weekly meals I plan have to be with chicken. That's just toooooo much chicken! I'll get sick of it, sick of working with it, and then fall off the wagon hard. Freezing it is not an option. I don't like what freezing does to it's texture, and I will never remember it's down there. The only thing I freeze is pies. Everything else is as fresh as I can get it.
I have had no cause to put resolution #2 into play. I am sure I will soon, as people start to crawl out of their winter cocoons and travel around a bit. I am still maintaining my self-imposed cutoff from immediate family members. didn't even go to Easter dinner at my sister's, I am proud to say.
I spent most of the weekend enjoying the warmth of the sun. We were at the dog park for an hour on saturday and 2.5 hours on Sunday. The pups loved it and I must say, we saw a great improvement over Scout and her aggression issues. Cesar is right! Stay calm, just stay calm. On Saturday I was afraid to let her off her leash, and while the other dogs ran around I kept her on the leash. Whenever another dog came near, she barked like crazy and lunged at him. I was worried she would bite one of them, but I thought I was being calm and not giving her negative energy. Boy, was I wrong. On Sunday, friends of ours showed up with their dog, and while standing around talking to them, I let go of her leash to see what would happen, since she seemed to be okay with their dog. And she was fine! She didn't bark, she didn't run after any dogs, she came back wehn we called. I felt such promise. My theory is, in talking to my friends I was distracted from her, and was not feeding her bad energy anymore. I relaxed completely, and so did she. We were so happy to see it!
Now it just figure out how to get to that truly calm state. Ugh.

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