Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Poor puffy.....

     Last night was Agility training for Scout. It's so funny, because as good as Wizard is in his class, Scout is that BAD in hers.

     I guess she didn't want to do anything. She didn't want to go down the ramp, which she was almost doing last week. She didn't want to go through the tunnel, which she definitely did before with no problem.
Why? Are we bad puppy parents? But Wizard does so we must be okay in training.
At this point, do we continue? The cost is becoming an issue, she obviously doesn't like it, SO says it's frivolous...

     I don't want to waste the money but I still think it's good for her. She has such issues with being afraid of everything. I don't want to go camping and have her bark her head off at everything that moves like last year. When we were at the dog park two weeks ago it seemed like she had really turned a corner. Between the dog park, her agility, and her one day a week at daycare it seemed like she wasn't so afraid of every dog.

     But now it's like she has taken two steps back.

     I am hoping the daycare owners will let us come of Friday and run through the equipment, or even just hang out there with no big dogs and let her get comfortable. I'll talk to them about that.

     And then there's the possibilty I want the dogs to do this for me. And I admit, I do enjoy it. Maybe I am one of those parents who would sign their children up for every class that they wanted to do when they were a child, but didn't get to. I don't think I would be that kind of parent though. I believe a kid should attend something they are interested in themselves. Every one has a different personality, and has different interests. I think parents have a hard time understanding that their children are not little copies of themselves. "What do you mean Johnny doesn't like hockey? I played it every second I wasn't in school. Soccor!!! No way! My kid isn't going to play some floofy European sport....he'll play hockey or nothing!"

     Okay, that sounded a bit redneck. But really. I don't understand this parenting logic. Okay, so dogs are not exactly the same. While they do indeed have individual personalities, they have a common 'pack mentality' that they all adhere to. To me that means that all dogs should be trainable, you just have to find the type of training that suits their personality. And we haven't found Scout's yet.

I'll keep trying I guess. Even if it is a little bit selfish. But I get so damn sick of sitting in front of the computer or TV. SO would spend every second plugged into the computer. Me, I would get rid of cable and not even have the TV on. I see nothing wrong with wanting to get out and run around with the dogs.


What to do.

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