Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Agility class

      Well I said I would volunteer for the Regional Dog agility championships in June, so to train me for that I was asked to volunteer for two other events, one in the middle of May and one on the past weekend.
     Thank the stars I was smart enough to only volunteer for the one day. That one day looked like this:

     Yes folks, that's your typical Alberta May snowstorm. Normally they happen at the beginning of May, and very rarely appear after the long weekend. But this guy snuck in the very last days in May, just to prove the unpredictability of Mother Nature, or to make me freeze my ass off, I'm not entirely sure which. But wow, was it a cold day. Only about plus three all day.

     I felt really bad for the poor dogs standing on the line shivering their fur off while their master walked around in winter boots, gloves, toques, and a snow jacket. It really wasn't fair to them. Dogs were slipping on wet icy gear, getting hurt, and owners who were running around were slipping on muddy patches and hurting themselves. Did they call the event off? No way.

      I promised myself right then I would never run Wizard in those conditions. I don't know how anyone would consider otherwise. But people are strange - the eight bucks it cost to enter their dog was suddenly a fortune they weren't going to lose.

      Here is a pic SO snapped of us last night at training class. Nice and warm and dry inside. As far as I am concerned all events should be inside...especially in Alberta.


Mags @ the Other Side of 50 said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I love that!

We have a shih tzu/cairn terrier mix that allows us to live with him. We're grateful.

micci orion said...

Awww...shitzus are so smart. They surprise me everyday in how fast they are picking up agility!
Thanks for all the great recipes you post!