Tuesday, June 15, 2010

bin laden hunter arrested

     So an american has been arrested in Pakistan because he had a bunch of weapons and went there to hunt Bin Laden. He claimed God was on his side and he was going to collect the $25 million price that was on Bin Laden's head.

      His passport showed he had traveled there no less than seven times to try to get the job done. This is the first time he was caught.

     Why is this newsworthy to me? I guess I just thought it was funny. One guy trying to do what all the american army can not. Well, they can't because the government, theirs and Pakistan's, won't allow it....no doubt in my mind they know where Bin Laden is, but they choose to protect him for reasons unknown. If I was a real conspiracy theorist, I would be able to list many reasons why the two governments are hiding/protecting him, but I'm not, so...I'm not.

     I do wonder though if this guy would have made eight trips over there if there was not a price to collect. People do strange things and when the prize gets as high as $25 million...sheesh!

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