Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Valentine's Day is over.....

I posted this on my facebook last year...but I think it bears reposting here....to be read into the records, so to speak...
Valentine’s Day is almost over, and for the first time ever I have heard a lot of negative feedback about it. It’s a stupid holiday…it puts too much pressure on guys…it’s not fair that it’s gender specific…we should express our feelings for our significant others every day, not just on feb 14th….blah blah blah…..

Well, all that is true. It is a made up commercialistic holiday. But from the woman’s point of view, it’s still an important tradition, and I, for one, am not willing to let the guys off the hook that easy.

There’s two reasons for this.

First: more than likely your guy is a true guy, a solitary manly unit of tough redneckishness. Getting him to tell you how he feels is like pulling teeth. Now here comes this day, a morally mandated day, on which the guy is obligated to take a peek into the dark depths of his soul and make an outward expression of what he finds there. I don’t care how it’s done. I don’t want 400 roses. I don’t want diamond rings and necklaces, I don’t even want a hallmark card. I just want to know once and for all what is going on inside. It doesn’t have to come out as “I love you”. There’s a chance the guy is going to look inside and say, ‘you know what, I’m not ready to express this yet with this girl’, and if that’s the case, then that’s what I want to know. That would tell me a lot about where the relationship is. Just use the day to tell us how you feel. Sheesh. It ain’t rocket science.

Second: I have paid my dues! I have sat and watched flowers and bears arrive and listened to the sickening sweet events of romantic Valentine’s Day evenings whilst being single, a phony “oh that’s so sweet’ look plastered on my face. So when I’m not single I don’t think there is anything wrong in expecting that little ‘expression’ from the guy. Don’t misinterpret; I’m not going to compare my guy to other guys; it’s not a contest of who can give the sappiest thing, because that is usually what comparing comes down to. I’m not interested in trying to impress the little 25 year olds around the office with what my guy can do better than theirs. But if I am in a relationship, then I expect the guy to honour that relationship by some expression, even if it’s just a conversation, a sentence, that makes me smile when I am sitting in my office thinking about it. Plain and simple.

So guys, don’t take the easy way out, don’t jump on this ‘end Valentine’s Day’ bandwagon. Relationships take work, and Valentine’s Day is part of the job.

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