Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resolved to Resolve

Seems that, even after all my New Year's Resolution bashing, I am about to make a New Year's Resolution. Possibly two.
The first is pretty straightforward.
Last night I had to clean out the fridge. Now, when I cook, I always have the best of intentions. I only cook for two, so if there is extra I plan in my head what I should do with the leftovers. Alot of the time I never follow that plan. Last night I cleaned out food from all the way back to xmas day, food I was planning to make new meals with. Basically it was xmas dinner plus new year's  turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I am embarrassed to say, it was two garbage bags full of leftover food I chucked last night.
That is just not acceptable. So I do hereby resolve to waste less food!
Last night for supper I was craving taco salad, which is easy to make, but includes a bit of ground beef. I rarely cook with ground beef anymore because it comes in such a huge package and some of it will get wasted. So last night I fried what I needed for the salad, then made hamburgers with the rest and fried them.
My intention is to have the hamburgers for supper tonight. Wish me luck.
I was patting myself on the back though because last night when I went to the grocery store to get the hamburger, I bought only what I needed for that meal. Usually I buy a few meals worth of meat and veggies, but then we end up eating out some night, or two nights, or it's the weekend and we're going out lots, and suddenly the food is no good. This is where alot of our food wasting come from.
It will mean more stops at the grocery store, so hopefully my lazy gene won't kick in. I'll admit it, laziness is the second reason food gets wasted in the house. Some nights it's easier to put a pizza in the oven than to drag out pots and cook.
So wish me luck, I go forth into Resolution land, even though I was hopingto never visit there again.

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