Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Resolved to resolve #2

So yesterday I mentioned I had gone against my own better judgment and made a New Year's resolution. Fact of the matter is, I made a second smaller one.
Just a teeensie weensie one.
It came about because this past weekend I was at my Aunt's husband's funeral in Saskatchewan. I call him that because, as an aside, he was her second husband. I met him a few times, I was even at their wedding ten years ago, but I didn't really know him as well as her first husband, whom I called my Uncle. It was always Auntie Joyce and Norm.
So anyway, we drove the five hours over to the funeral. As with funerals, there was tons of family there including all the Aunts and Uncles, most of which are from Cowtown. I have ran into them at a couple of family events over the past couple of years, and always the correct pleasantries are exchanged when parting: oh, we'll come see you this summer, we'll drive down and visit, stop by when you're in town....those types of things. But no one ever does. 
So I do hereby resolve to stay in contact with these extended relatives.
Notice how I snuck the word 'extended' in there? That absolves my guilt from not contacting my immediate family as much as I should....brothers and sisters from down east, even family close to where I live. I find them stressful. But that's a post for another day.
Anyway, alot of these relatives are getting old now, and I really want to know them better, and get to know the family stories and history, before it's too late. With just a little bit of effort on my part, and no excuses, I can. Wish me luck.

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