Monday, January 18, 2010

4 day weekend

You would think you would spend 4 days being productive and getting shit done. But not me, oh no...I can waste 4 days like nobody else.... *poof* they're gone!
Well it wasn't a complete waste. I got my car fixed and the puppies cut on Thursday; we went to the motorbike show on Friday (oh please oh please, whatever deity looks down apon me be happy with my little Honda 750 and resist the urge to buy a new 1300....please...yah right, I'm so screwed lol); on Saturday I went to my first Sorrentino's cooking class, which was amazing; and Sunday we went to a baby shower and to a puppy play date. Sounds like a full weekend, right?
What you don't see getting done is the laundry, the housecleaning, the de-xmasfying of the house, any writing at all, and especially the list making and grocery shopping! Seriously, I didn't go to the grocery store. It's almost laughable now.
"What do you want for breakfast?"
"Oh, anything. What do we have?"
"Lessee....some crackers, er, but it's mostly crumbs, a can of oysters, some pudding mix we could lick at since we don't have any milk...."
"S'okay, I'll just, um...have a candy cane from the tree..."
So, tonight, no excuse! I even brought my magic cookbook to work so I can write out the mealplan.
Hopefully the boss won't ask too many questions if he sees it.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Resolved to resolve #2

So yesterday I mentioned I had gone against my own better judgment and made a New Year's resolution. Fact of the matter is, I made a second smaller one.
Just a teeensie weensie one.
It came about because this past weekend I was at my Aunt's husband's funeral in Saskatchewan. I call him that because, as an aside, he was her second husband. I met him a few times, I was even at their wedding ten years ago, but I didn't really know him as well as her first husband, whom I called my Uncle. It was always Auntie Joyce and Norm.
So anyway, we drove the five hours over to the funeral. As with funerals, there was tons of family there including all the Aunts and Uncles, most of which are from Cowtown. I have ran into them at a couple of family events over the past couple of years, and always the correct pleasantries are exchanged when parting: oh, we'll come see you this summer, we'll drive down and visit, stop by when you're in town....those types of things. But no one ever does. 
So I do hereby resolve to stay in contact with these extended relatives.
Notice how I snuck the word 'extended' in there? That absolves my guilt from not contacting my immediate family as much as I should....brothers and sisters from down east, even family close to where I live. I find them stressful. But that's a post for another day.
Anyway, alot of these relatives are getting old now, and I really want to know them better, and get to know the family stories and history, before it's too late. With just a little bit of effort on my part, and no excuses, I can. Wish me luck.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resolved to Resolve

Seems that, even after all my New Year's Resolution bashing, I am about to make a New Year's Resolution. Possibly two.
The first is pretty straightforward.
Last night I had to clean out the fridge. Now, when I cook, I always have the best of intentions. I only cook for two, so if there is extra I plan in my head what I should do with the leftovers. Alot of the time I never follow that plan. Last night I cleaned out food from all the way back to xmas day, food I was planning to make new meals with. Basically it was xmas dinner plus new year's  turkey dinner with all the trimmings. I am embarrassed to say, it was two garbage bags full of leftover food I chucked last night.
That is just not acceptable. So I do hereby resolve to waste less food!
Last night for supper I was craving taco salad, which is easy to make, but includes a bit of ground beef. I rarely cook with ground beef anymore because it comes in such a huge package and some of it will get wasted. So last night I fried what I needed for the salad, then made hamburgers with the rest and fried them.
My intention is to have the hamburgers for supper tonight. Wish me luck.
I was patting myself on the back though because last night when I went to the grocery store to get the hamburger, I bought only what I needed for that meal. Usually I buy a few meals worth of meat and veggies, but then we end up eating out some night, or two nights, or it's the weekend and we're going out lots, and suddenly the food is no good. This is where alot of our food wasting come from.
It will mean more stops at the grocery store, so hopefully my lazy gene won't kick in. I'll admit it, laziness is the second reason food gets wasted in the house. Some nights it's easier to put a pizza in the oven than to drag out pots and cook.
So wish me luck, I go forth into Resolution land, even though I was hopingto never visit there again.

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

journalists are everywhere....

After living in a bubble of holiday winter bliss for ten days, it was back to work and back at it yesterday. Or course I spent most of my morning catching up on various blogs and newspapers.
While I had briefly heard about the Nigerian who tried to blow up an american plane, I hadn't accumulated any details, so I read a few articles on the subject. I was once again shocked at the poor quality of journalism in the articles I was reading.
It seems to me I must be missing something. Are these people really qualified journalists? Or maybe they are deliberately doing poor research to drum up controversy? 
There was the one fellow who spent his article explaining why the guy didn't really have a bomb, since he was only allowed to carry 100 mls of liquid onto the plane. Such a small amount wasn't enough to blow up the whole plane.
Sheesh, even I don't need to do any research to blow holes in that article (no pun intended). The syringe was sewn into his underwear, that's an undisputed fact. It's not like he passed it to security when asked if he had any liquids.
"Why yes, I have this syringe."
"Oh. Well what's in it? Diabetic insulin?"
"Um, no, it's part two of the explosive bomb I am carrying."
"Oh. Well hang on then."
(Security guy disappears into another room and then returns quickly).
"It's okay, I measured it and it's less than 100 mls. You can board."
Another 'journalist' spent his article bashing Jasper S, the guy who jumped over rows of seats and tackled the Nigerian, burning his hands in the process, but saving all 253 passengers aboard the flight, because afterwards he was paid by a news company for an interview. He only did it for the money, apparently.
Huh? I say, if he was brave enough to act, and act quickly, while everyone else was jumping out of the way, he damn well deserves a reward. Let him make a few bucks from it. No one complained that the pilot who landed the plane in the Hudson river made a fortune from his 'heroic' act. Psssst......come over here......real close....I'll let you in on a little secret.....these two guys have something in common....they were trying to accomplish the same thing...saving their own skins.
See, when a plane falls from the sky, it generally means everyone dies. EVERYONE.
Despite that, these two heroes do have a difference. While the pilot was a good ol' boy, born and raised american, our buddy Jasper was not. That automatically means he is to be scorned, shunned, and poo-pooed (is too a word). Ehem, but that is a blog for another day.
So my question is, do these online newspapers simply hire anyone with a blog? You've written a blog for a year so therefore you have enough experience to be a journalist? That is like saying anyone who kept a diary as a teenager, scribbling by flashlight under the covers about true love and broken hearts and the yummy boy next door dating my ex-best friend, I hate him I hate him I HATE HIM......
Ehem. Sorry about that. Another another-day blog.
Anyway, it's like saying any diarist has the credentials to be a journalist, which is simply not true. I'm not stupid enough to think I am a journalist because I keep a blog or two and dabble in writing a bit. Yet, when you read some of these articles, written in what claim to be reputable newspapers, they seem to have the same dialect as a blogger. Now I have read alot of blogs, you might even call me a blog connoisseur, so I know a blogger when I read one.
If you are going to blog, then blog. Leave journalism to someone else. Please. And journalists, for the love of God, do your research. Please. We're counting on you.

Monday, January 04, 2010

ANOTHER new year?

I don't plan to make any resolutions this year. I know what I have to do. Making the resolution will not help me, I know that much. I just have to do it.
One small step at a time.
One priority at a time.
Wish me luck. It's like jumping off a cliff, with the hope that someone will catch you, and that someone is you. 
Here I goooooo................!