Monday, May 03, 2010

ANOTHER new lens??!!

     Gee, I can not understand why my SO now refers to me as a lens whore. Can't be that I bought another lens this weekend, this time the 50mm

     Hey, in my defense, I am just following the instructions of the teacher of our photography course, which was...and this may surprise you.....take lots of pictures! In lots of different ways and in lots of different light! Yeah okay, my brain also added, with lots of different lenses!

     Besides, I really wanted this lens before our trip to niagara next week. So I could get some practice in with it. So how much camera equipment is one allowed to take on a plane anyway? Before...I dunno, they tell you you need a crate and a shipping company? Heeheeeeee.....

      I will try to get some pics posted soon!

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