Thursday, May 06, 2010

It's Friday!!!

     And the best kind of friday, the one before holiday! YAY! So I remind my teems of loving fans and followers, there won't be any posts starting tomorrow for a week. I look forward to updating you with hundreds of pics when I return.

     Can't wait to try out the new camera. This will be it's first official trip. I debated long and hard on if it was really necessary to tow all my gear along, but then I thought two things. First, as I thought of each lens, I thought of a scenario which might require it. Second, I thought, you know, at some point I better get used to carrying the whole thing. So off I go with all my gear, and pray I don't lose any bits.

     As much as I am looking forward to both concerts we are seeing, I am really looking forward to doing some winery tours. I've always wanted to, and this is the perfect opportunity. I plan to be wine-sloshed at least one day lol.

     Besides that, I hope everything goes okay. For the amount I fly, I am not a good flyer at all. It's a necessary evil. Most people who fly are happy each time they have a trouble-free flight, but not me. I see each successful flight as lowering my odds of the next one being the same. The more I fly, the chance of something going wrong grows. Like cars; they say everyone has an accident in their lifetime, so each year you drive accident free, you increase the chance of the next year being one in which you have an accident. Makes perfect sense to me.

     So all I can do is get on the plane with fingers and toes crossed.....

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Mixed up addictions.

     SO and I are both in rush  to get things done before we leave for a week's holiday on Friday. Today was the day MIL was to be in town for a long awaited doctor's appointment in regards to her painful back. SO and I decided a little while ago to accompany MIL to her appointments and such, as she was finding it tough to find locations or ask all the questions that should be asked. We thought, eh, one of us will just go with her.

       Well, I don't get on too well with MIL, but SO had to finish payroll so I volunteered to take the morning off work and go senior sitting. Well, we got to the doctor's office, and MIL and I approach the nurse station. And things went bad...the conversation went something like this:

"MIL here for a 10 am appointment with Dr. Doctor please."
"Oh, Dr. Doctor doesn't work today. He only works Thursdays and Fridays."
"Well I don't know how, I made this appointment three weeks ago and no one said anything. I have it right her in my book....Dr. Doctor, 10 am, May 6th."
" is the the 5th ma'am. Thursday, that's tomorrow, that'll be the 6th..."

     Ugh. Oh happened, no sense worrying about it. MIL was upset enough as it was, and she felt bad I had taken time off work. I told her got to sleep in lol. Can't cry over spilt milk.  It was upsetting to me too, though, just to think this lady I have known all my life is now getting this old. Scary stuff, old age, how it stops your thought processes from being sensible.

     So we parted ways and I called SO, who is taking the whole day off work tomorrow to do the last minute pre-trip running around, and told her the sad story. I told her since she was off tomorrow, she'd have to go with MIL to doctor's appointment attempt number two. And...SO lost it on me, saying she had plans for tomorrow, that would take hours out of her day, blah blah blah.

      I was like, whatever, I can't take another morning off, you'll have to cope. But the more I thought about it, the more I got pissed. Getting your nails done is more important than this appointment we have been waiting eight months for? Getting jeans for the trip is more important than helping your own mother? Deejaying for SL comes before even your mother now? Shouldn't you be consoling a woman who is trying to deal with the onset of old age and failing miserably? So I blasted her on messenger...which I feel bad about now. Great way to start a holiday.

     But really, I am at a loss as to what to do...SO is getting more and more selfish, more and more just wanting to sit and play on SL. It's really starting to affect things. She is not paying attention to people, or me, when we talk. This incident with her mom could have been averted easily two ways. First, SO sees the same doctor and so knew he only works Thursdays and Fridays. Second, I know at some point MIL told us her appointment was on Thursday, because I remember thinking, oh good, SO is taking that day off so she can go with her. But SO says she doesn't recall that. Just so wrapped up in her own world now. She didn't want to take 15 minutes out of her day to take the dog to school this morning either. It's just more and more all about her...her mind doesn't focus on what's going on in the real world andwhat's going on around her.

     I'm at the point where I want to leave, leave her to her computer and just LEAVE. SO probably wouldn't even notice. Her BF is at that point, too. So, how do you tell someone you think they are a selfish computer addict, who is losing touch with reality, and is going to lose everything if she doesn't smarten up?

Monday, May 03, 2010

ANOTHER new lens??!!

     Gee, I can not understand why my SO now refers to me as a lens whore. Can't be that I bought another lens this weekend, this time the 50mm

     Hey, in my defense, I am just following the instructions of the teacher of our photography course, which was...and this may surprise you.....take lots of pictures! In lots of different ways and in lots of different light! Yeah okay, my brain also added, with lots of different lenses!

     Besides, I really wanted this lens before our trip to niagara next week. So I could get some practice in with it. So how much camera equipment is one allowed to take on a plane anyway? Before...I dunno, they tell you you need a crate and a shipping company? Heeheeeeee.....

      I will try to get some pics posted soon!