Saturday, November 28, 2009

Moving from Typepad....and xmas comments...

My first post since moving from clunky Typepad.....I should never have left you blogger!

Well here it is Nov 28th and we are off to my company's xmas party. No snow on the ground. Frankly, it doesn't seem much like xmas. Don't get me wrong, it'll be a great time...good food, free drinks and a dance, what could be better? It's not even that it's too early - xmas is less than a month away. Going to get the tree out and the house decorated tomorrow. Got a huge list of cookies to be baked and most of the supplies bought. TV is blaring xmas commericals all over the place. And I did buy my first xmas gift for this year, so that part is started too.

But it just doesn't seem like xmas yet. Can it seriously be because there is no snow? Am I that Canadian?

I hope I am not a bah humbug this year. I have had some real bummers for xmases in my life, but I had high hopes this was not going to be one of them.

I guess like anything else, it is what you make it - if it's going to be a fantastic xmas this year, it's up to me to make it so....and it starts tonight with the best xmas party ever!

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