Saturday, April 03, 2004

Javin must go......

Bug is on.
I see Gowan. He waits in a room; the walls are white but dirty. His shirt is dirty, too; dusty smudges make the red look pink and the black look grey.
There is electricity in the room; a handful of lights on the wall glow brightly.
Gowan sits in a wooden chair at a table. He fingers a piece of bread from a plate, but doesn't eat. Instead he sips from a mug, probably coffee. His left knee rests across the seat of another chair.
The door opens, startling him. He doesn't get up.
It's Mac.
Mac enters and stops at the other end of the table. He looks tense.
Gowan sips his coffee. - "Mac. Glad you came."
Mac, in a clipped angry tone.- "Why were my men pulled off patrol this morning? We've covered this before, Gowan. My planet's in danger too. We have just as much right to be here..."
Gowan plunks his cup down and waves him off. - "I know, I know. It's not about that. Your men are doing fine, all they do is appreciated. It's Javin, Mac. It's time to send him home."
Mac - "Javin!" He shakes his head.
Gowan - "He's too young. He's only, what, 8? I think he's too young to be exposed to this stuff. It's not just me; alot of people are wondering about him being here."
Mac - "He needs to see what war horrible it can be."
Gowan, shrugs - "I agree. It's an important lesson which every man in a position of power must learn...but he's too young to learn it, Mac. The only thing he's going to take away from this is nightmares." Gowan looks away, trying to hide the shadow that crosses his face. I don't think Mac saw it. Not that Mac doesn't know about Gowan's past.
Mac, shrugs - "My men will protect him."
Gowan gestures wildly. He's trying not to get mad - "I know they can protect him, and like I said, their ability isn't in question. BUT Javin should not be here," announciating each word. "In a couple of months we'll be ready to charge the front line..."
Mac steps forward and cuts him off - "I meant, my men will protect him from...traumatizing incidents."
Gowan, angrily - "How the hell can they do that? It's not realistic...he's gonna see stuff a boy his age shouldn't see." Frustrated, Gowan rubs his hand over his face. He throws up his hands. "It's not up for debate. Send Javin home."
Mac rounds the table and crosses to Gowan in a handful of quick strides. As quick as a flash Gowan is on his feet.
He's relaxed, but ready.
Mac stops a couple of feet from Gowan; he's not quite in Gowan's space. Still, he is much taller. I can see how tense he is. He's ready to spring.
Mac, in a low, controlled voice - "I know what this is about, so don't try this bullshit with me. We all see you parading Hillmark's heir around here...introducing him to this Family and that Family...all the while Javin is kept in the dark...kept from making important connections..."
Gowan interrupts - "Don't be so stupid. You've been introduced to everyone. Javin hasn't been because he is too young."
Gowan steps back, pauses, then heads for the door, where he pauses again - "And Remy is a young man, not an 8 year old boy. I'm not fighting with you about this, Mac. Send Javin home or I'll send him to his mother."
He leaves the room.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Ric prepares to leave.....

Bug is on.
I see Ric. He is standing in the doorway of the small wood-slat house. He leans with his shoulder against the doorframe. His hand is tucked loosely into the pocket of his jeans. He wears no shirt. The sun is shining, glaring off the snow piled everywhere, but the day is cold; his breath puffs out around his head when he exhales.
He speaks to a boy who is outside and to the left of the house.
The boy is wiping down a bay horse with a bit of cloth. He wears the black and red of the Aerodonn army. His hair is dark, and mussed - it must be early in the morning.
Ric - "You've got three more to do after her. Better hurry."
The boy pauses. - "Yes sir." then continues.
Ric grins. - "Don't miss breakfast."
Behind Ric I can just see a shadowy figure. Can't make out who it is. My guess is Andry.
She speaks but now I can't see her.
Andry - "Stop teasing him, Ric. He'll have to eat regardless of when he finishes. It's a long ride to the castle."
Ric looks back at her. He stands straight as she hands him a shirt. It's thick, mostly red, with black sleeves and a black V at both sides of the neck. He pulls it over his head.
Ric - "I'm not hurting him. A little pressure won't kill him."
Andry, from inside still - "Yes, but you don't want him telling Lord Hillmark that he's going hungry. He's Hillmark's grandson and heir; Hillmark will kill you."
Ric laughs - "If anything happens to him, Hillmark is the least of my worries. Gowan's the one who will flay me. Well...he'll flay you, actually. I'll blame it all on you." Ric makes a good-natured grab at the shape that is Andry, but she jumps out of the way, batting at his hands.
Andry, laughing - "You're a pest. I'm glad you'll be out my hair for awhile. But promise you'll go easy on the boy. Gowan didn't agree to take him so you could torture him. This is supposed to be a learning experience for him."
Ric nods - "Don't be silly. He's fine. I promise."
Andry - "I know. I just....don't want you to go."
Ric - "I know, but it won't be long. Just going to get this Section to the castle, get them set up, make sure the gate is working. Then I'll come back here, okay? Two weeks travel there, two weeks there, two weeks travel back. When I get back all this damn snow will be gone."
Andry doesn't say anything, she's upset now. She doesn't want him to go.