Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Update...and no cable!

       Well, I've been to three zumba classes now and am still loving it. It is hard though. I can barely walk to my car after. Two girls as big as me were at the last class. Not sure if they will come back or not, they didn't look like they were into it.

     But the big news of the day is....we went ahead and finally cut off the cable today. That's right, no more TV. I am hoping this will free up the time I need to get other things done. Other things that, in the end, are more important than sitting in front of a TV. I look forward to reading....and writing. Training the dogs more. All sorts of things that I wish I was doing as I am sitting in front of the TV. I think all the camping this year spoke to us a bit, taught us we can live with out the stupid thing.

    We'll see how it goes. We might be stark raving mad in a month.....

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