Thursday, March 02, 2006

Unauthorized travel.....

Seminole crosses the street. He is in hot pursuit of a lander, an unidentified boy who has just arrived. Something feels wrong to him though; he wants me to follow him. Can’t tell where they are – someplace warm, there is no snow. Smells like recent rain. Streets don’t look wet. Seminole is part of the Florida Five, but this doesn’t seem like Florida.
There is no traffic, and he jogs down the traffic lane.
I don’t see who he is following. Might be only a vec trail right now.
Nope, I’m wrong; there is a flash of movement ahead. Seminole takes off after it like a hound on a scent.
I tell him it’s hard for me to follow when he is moving so fast. He grabs hold of me. It feels weird to be so connected. “Look! Look ahead!” He points, stopping in the street.
Ahead, the boy has stopped too. In front of him is another, a larger man sized blob in the dark. Only then I realize how young the boy is, based on his size.
The boy talks quickly to the man, I can see him gesticulating.
Seminole calls out – “Hey!” And starts to walk towards them. They are on the sidewalk, and there are cars parked along the street, between us and them.
The man pushes the boy behind him, and reaches into the air. I’ve seen these hand movements before. ….
Suddenly there is a burst of light. Seminole hides his face from the bright blast. There is no noise.
They vanish. But not before I get a look at them in the flash of light.
Seminole tells me – “That wasn’t a gate. We told you someone was using something else.”
I say nothing, trying to make sense out of what I just saw.
The boy was small and blond, under ten for sure. Mostly likely Anikman, but wearing jeans.
And the man was Aninjade. I’m sure. Using an old fashioned Anikman method of travel. One that I’m pretty sure my boys can’t track or trace.
Not good. Very much not good. And what ages does he teach again? He is using his pupils for something?
Not good, Aninjade. You keep showing up in the wrong places.

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