Thursday, May 16, 2013

Reliance Protectron and their bullying practices

I have had this alarm service for 8 years. I initially signed a 3 year contract, and they installed various alarm hardware parts for free. At the end of that term, I signed for yet another 3 year contract, which included more alarm hardware parts to be installed for free. I completed that term as well.

Someone then called me about arranging to meet to sign a contract again, as the term was up. I told him I would now pay month to month, as there was no reason for me to sign a contract again. He told me that wasn’t allowed. After much back and forth between us, he convinced me to sign again, but I told him I would sign but for one year only, as we were just starting to look for a new house. He said he would send the papers out in the mail, I should sign and send them back.

Well, I never got any papers in the mail, and never heard from anyone again in the two years since. Imagine my surprise when, because we were now moving into our new house, I phoned to cancel our service and was told I had to buy out the remainder of a 3 year contract!

I told them I had never signed a contract, but they argued that I had VERBALLY agreed to it over the phone and that was as good as a signature. They had recorded the call, proof of my agreement, so I had no choice but to pay up. I knew I hadn’t agreed to 3 years, and told them so. All arguments fell on deaf ears, and I finally told them to produce the tape so I could hear it. I was sure that once the conversation was heard, they would not be able to charge me for a contract that did not exist.

No tape was ever produced, but I received a bill for $146.76, for contract cancellation.  This was less than the remainder of the contract, but I have no idea how they arrived at this number. A mere 40 days after getting that bill, I started to receive calls and letters from a collection agency. Reliance Protectron themselves never contacted me again. Now in fear that this mess would be a mark against my credit rating, but against my better judgment, I paid the bill.

I am still in shock over the whole thing. How Reliance Protectron treats their long term customers is appalling. I was not someone trying to get out of their initial 3 year contract. I understand the necessity behind chasing down someone who does that. In that situation, the company needs to recover the costs associated with the hardware and installation. Heck, I can even understand that if someone has signed a 3 year contract that they should have to pay a cancellation fee if they wish to end that contract early. But I was not in either of these situations. Instead, this company has lied about a contract that does not exist to get that last cent out of my pocket. I was a long term customer who had paid their bill every single month without fail for years, and this is my reward.

Years and years ago, I had my garage broken into and stuff stolen.  I did not feel as victimized then as I do now. I truly feel like I have been robbed. They lie about nonexistent contracts and they use fear by threatening your credit rating to get you to pay bills that are completely unwarranted. They should be ashamed of themselves for using these tactics against hardworking, honest people.

The internet is full of complaints against these guys, and now I add my own story. I want everyone to know how crooked this company is. Avoid Reliance Protectron and all their subsidiaries- Vivint, Voxcom, Liberty Security, Titan Alarm, etc ... (it’s worth your time to make sure the alarm company you are considering is not affiliated with Reliance Protectron) – at all costs. They will not be the company I choose for my new home, and I plan to spread the word.